Wednesday, February 18, 2009

5 More Surgeries!!!

Well, Dennis had a very rough night last night but as we were leaving for the evening they were extubating him!!! Please pray he has a better night tonight. The other children that were operated on yesterday all went to the floor today and are doing very well.

Today five more children had heart surgery and all are well! First out of the OR was Ramon, a 15 year old who had an ASD repair. Edurado was out next, he is our sweet 13 month old who had a TET repair. A few hours later 5 year old Mable, our second ASD of the day, arrived and shortly after Thania, a 2 1/2 year old VSD arrived. We added a fifth surgery today which made things really busy. Claressy is a 7 year old with a PDA. They were unable to close her PDA in the cath lab so we operated on her today and she is doing well.

Lots more caths were done today as well. I still haven't figured out the total number completed this week but I know it's alot...when I do find out I'll let you know.

Thanks for all of your prayers...this wouldn't be possible without them!!!

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